We customize and optimize the design of floating foundation of wind turbines, wave energy transformers and solar panels in marine areas.


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Flex2power consists of three concept models:

S1 – single floater with installed capacity 19,2MW

Q1 – quadrature with installed capacity 100MW

P1 – park level with several quadrature installations. 400MW with four Q1


Flex2power S1 substructure overall dimension:

136,6 x 136,6 x 52,8m (32,8m above sea level)

Substructure weight: 10950 tons (incl 7000 tons on concrete foundation)

Water depths: 60 – 1500m

Mooring: 4 anchor and mooring lines


Demonstrator of wind, wave and sun energy installation

5 MW installed wind turbine capacity

14 MW installed wave energy capacity

0,2 MW installed sun energy capacity


Complete installation close to fabrication yard inshore.

Low cost on production, towing, installation, operation and maintenance (Low LCoE)

Excellent stability in High Waves and Heavy Wind. Concrete foundation 20m below sea level for floater damping, stability and strength.

Extended height above sea and stability improve turbine, wave energy transformers and solar panel efficiency and lifetime

Area-efficiency. Flex2power park level configuration will occupy only  16% off surface area compared to other offshore concepts measured in MW/km2

Option to install helideck and transformation module on substructure.

Feasibility for extension of concept unit.

Years of development

2016 -2025

Years of production and demonstration

2026 -2028

Years of operation


Number of wind turbines (demonstrator)


Number of wave energy generator modules


Number of solar panel foundations


Total installed capacity

19,2 MW

Production 25year x 8760hrs/year x 19,2 MW x *0.37

1,56 millions MWh

CAPEX (inshore) **44 millions EUR/ 1,56 millions MWh

28,2 EUR/MWh

CAPEX (offshore)***10 millions EUR/ 1,56 millions MWh

6,4 EUR/MWh

OPEX (O&M) ****17.5 millions EUR/ 1,56 millions MWh

11,2 EUR/MWh

Financial cost – 14,3 millions EUR/ 1,56 millions MWh

9,2 EUR/MW

LCoE(LevelisedCost of Energy, incl 10% contingency)

55,0 EUR/MWh

*37% total capacity factor on wind, wave and sun energy (4993 annual hours of installed capacity load) **complete inshore installation ready for sail away. ***towing offshore, mooring, grid to shore and commissioning. ****operation and maintainance in 25years lifetime.


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Flex2power is a slim, modularised and elastic floating platform for combined wind, wave and sun energy production. A unique concept with remarkable low construction and service cost.


Takk for et langt og godt sammarbeid

Vi ønsker å takke Terje Handeland for hans verdifulle bidrag til Flex2power-prosjektet i perioden 2016-2023. Vi setter stor pris på hans harde arbeid og engasjement, og vil alltid være takknemlige for hans bidrag til prosjektet.

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Seks søkarar får 23 millionar

Ulla-Førrefondet skal gje økonomisk støtte til prosjekt som omfattar grøn omstilling av næringsliv og utvikling av høgare utdanning i Rogaland. Rosenberg Worley AS får 5,4 millionar kroner til “Flex2power”. Konseptet skal produsera fornybar energi frå vind,

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.